The Artists

BIOGRAPHY of the Artist

The artist Maggie Romanovici (Magdalena Mateescu) was born in Romania, during the communist dictatorship. In a closed society, there was an attraction to the arts and culture in general as the only escape in life. Maggie showed a natural penchant for drawing and colored pencils early on. In elementary school, teachers noticed that Maggie was very good at drawing. Her father, who also had a penchant for painting, had an important influence on his daughter’s artistic development. 

Maggie started going to art school. Here, for six years, she formally learned drawing, watercolor, oil painting and everything else in the school curriculum. Then she continued to improve in private lessons with dedicated local painters. Her first participation in an exhibition dates back to the age of 12, with an oil painting. Others followed.

Because the communist regime in her native Romania did not favor an artistic career, Maggie chose to teach languages. Contact with art never left her, but it was only later in life and in Canada that Maggie returned to painting full time. The first years were devoted to figurative painting, but little by little Maggie discovered the freedom of expression offered by abstract painting.

She continued to take art classes on new techniques and materials to enrich and refine her way of expressing herself. Her curiosity and desire to progress remain constant. 

Maggie is a member of several artists’ associations and a former permanent member of Galerie Lenoir. In the last seven years, Maggie has participated in approximately 50 group exhibitions, 30 virtual exhibitions, two duo exhibitions, three solo exhibitions, eight competitions, four symposiums, three Artists’ Salons, two international exhibitions, chosen artist of the year in 2022-2023, bronze, silver and gold medals, a favorite work exhibited at the municipality of Kirkland for a year. She lives in Kirkland.


        1. Artist of the Year 2022-2023, painting exhibited at the Kirkland Municipality for a year
        2. Bronze Medal – April 19-23, 2023 – jury exhibition with le Cercle des ArtistesPeintres et Sculpteurs du Quebec
        3. Gold Medal – Sept. 20-24, 2023 – jury exhibition with le Cercle des ArtistesPeintres et Sculpteurs du Quebec

    Solo Exhibitions

      2022, Kirkland Municipal Library
      2022, Maison des Arts St-Faustin
      2021, Studio 77
      2024, Galerie Lenoir

Catchphrase / Statement of the Artist

I draw my inspiration from many life experiences and I produce modern abstract works in which ideas and emotions are seized by colors and movement. The resulting paintings are distinguished by bright, vibrant colors, surprising textures, fluid and dynamic directions.


Maggie Romanovici







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